The Office Cleaners


To remind Argentinians working late that it was time to leave the office and enjoy their night out with their friends, Heineken used the only media able to reach employees stuck at work at night: the night office cleaners.

Thanks to a partnership with the 7 biggest corporate cleaning companies, cleaners in Argentina spread Heineken’s work responsibly message, inviting workers to go to the closest bar to enjoy a free beer with their friends. Scanning the QR codes on Cleaner’s vests and tools, workers got to select their bar and the app generated a special voucher with a very short expiring time, so to push them to immediately leave the office.

Covered by: Forbes, AdAge

The Office Cleaners - Case Study

The Office Cleaners - Launch Film


Cannes Lions - Silver (Creative B2B - Brand Experience)
Cannes Lions - Silver (Creative B2B - Targeting & Engagement)
Cannes Lions - Bronze (Direct)
Cannes Lions - Bronze (Media)
Cannes Lions - Finalist x 6
LIA - Silver (Integration / Direct Marketing)
LIA - Bronze - (Integration / Beverages - Alcoholic)
Dubai Lynx - Silver (Film)
Clio - Silver (Media)
Clio - Bronze (Creative Commerce - Acquisition & Retention)
Clio - Bronze (Creative Commerce - Specific Target Audience)
Clio - Bronze - (Experience/Activation - Guerrilla)
Clio - Bronze - Experience/Activation - Digital/Mobile)
Eurobest - Gold (Direct - Consumer Goods)
Eurobest - Silver (Brand Experience)
Eurobest - Bronze (Channels - Use of Mobile)
Eurobest - Finalist x 3
Golden Drum Awards - Grand Prix (Media)
Golden Drum Awards - Gold (Brand Strategy & Experience)
Best Ads - Best TV


Virtual Heineken Silver


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